Meet some of our members

Meet Andrew:
Andrew is a family man who loves to help.
His family means the world to him, and he spends a great deal of time with them. He loves to start his week by telling stories of how he spent time over the weekend with his mother, brothers and sisters, and their families and kids. He especially loves being an uncle.
He has a job he really enjoys, getting ice ready for customers, at the 4 Mile Liquor store.
Andrew is very friendly, really enjoys meeting new people, and is very skilled at starting conversations. He is also a very sentimental man, often carrying cards he’s received, ribbons of athletic achievement, or pictures of great meaning with him.
He loves his athletic community and competes with Special Olympics groups in Swimming and Bocce. Outside of this, he is an avid cyclist, skier, and distance walker.

Meet Shelly:
Shelly has been a part of our Community Access Program for more than 20 years and has served, proudly, as the “CAP Secretary” for the last 15.
This job is very important to her as she loves office work and strives to be professional. She manages daily attendance, organizes our daily activity chart in preparation for the next day, and ensures that our birthday calendar is accurate and posted. Shelly also participates in the training of practicum students and new staff orientations.
Shelly loves to teach sign language and to go out into her community, especially for tea or coffee. She is a loyal friend, a prankster, performer, and loves to help wherever she can.
Shelly loves spending time with her family (Mom, Ray, sister Carol, and her dog Tonka – who “barks a lot”) especially when they’ve travelled, with trips to Hawaii and Disneyland being her favorites.

Meet Sonny:
I am friendly and social man who values family deeply. I have close relationship with both my staff and friends. I enjoy using technology, particularly my tablet, and I like to engage with music, movie, games, wrestling TV show, and Netflix. Singing and doing karaoke are some of my favorite activities. I also enjoy going bowling with my friends, cooking, and socializing. Being around people bringS me joy, and I always greet everyone with smile and ask about their lives. I am protective and caring toward others.

Meet Lee:
I move to Tyndall in August 2023. I enjoy being part of group conversations and going out for lunch at least 2-3 times a week. I also like to stay active by exercising and walking everyday. I enjoy joking around with my housemate and support staff. I love to spend time with my family and friends and eat lunch together in the restaurants. I walk with cane indoors and use a walker on steady ground. I love watching old movies and TV shows, and my favorite music is from the 50s. Additionally, I enjoy solving word puzzles like Sudoku.

Meet Spyrithon:
Spyro has been living in our Jeffree group home since 2020. He recently joined the board and has been enjoying getting to know more about CLV and what being on the board means.
Spyro is a proud Greek/Hungarian man (can you tell from his name), who is a sociable and easy going guy.
He has made MANY positive changes in his life and is very proud of his accomplishments. He is confident and loves getting to know everyone he meets. He has a goal to get a part time job next year and can’t wait to put ‘board member’ on his resume! He looks forward representing the community at the board as a self advocate.

Meet April:
I am a very caring individual who has a great sense of humour. I like joking around with my support staff and housemates. I have Cerebral Palsy and only have limited mobility in my hands. This enables me to feed myself and independently drive my Power Wheelchair. I use a CAYA developed IPAD for my communication. I can also indicate yes or no. Often people can see how I am feeling by my facial expressions, responses, and body language. I am quite smart and able to express my needs, desires, concerns and emotions. I have 25 community inclusion hours a week. I enjoy music {my favorite is country}. I also enjoy watching TV/Netflix. I very much enjoy going on outings in the community, special events. I also enjoy working on my computer. I especially love anything related to Christmas. I enjoy wearing Christmas themed clothes on any day of the year. I am proud to be a board member and advocate for CLV.