BC Summer Institute for Inclusive Learning 2016
Registration is now open!
Due to its great success in 2014, the Family Support Institute is pleased to announce that the second BC Summer Institute is coming to Vancouver this August 2016!
(For full institute details visit: bcinclusivelearning.com)
Creating the Future- Partnerships for Inclusive Learning will take place at the University of British Columbia and will be held from August 22nd- 24th, 2016. This conference is intended for individuals who have an interest in inclusive learning and will include teachers, administrators, parents, paraprofessionals, therapists and other members of a school based team.
This 3 day event is designed to provide a robust learning environment that will facilitate strategic approaches to inclusion and belonging for all students in B.C.’s elementary and secondary schools.
This year’s chosen topics and instructors are :
- Universal Design for Learning (Dr. Pat Mirenda)
- Positive Behaviour Supports (Dr. Brenda Fossett)
- Transition (Dr. Paul Malette)
- Literacy (Vicki Rothstein)
- Self Regulated Learning (Dr. Nancy Perry & Dr. Deborah Butler)
Please visit www.bcinclusivelearning.com for more detailed information.
Cost is $350 per person (15% discount to teams of 3 and more from the same school).
Early bird $300 per person by April 15th, 2016.
For more info, please contact Angela Clancy at 604-540-8374 or
email: info@bcinclusivelearning.com