Transition Planning Roles – Who Does What?
Presenters from Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) and Community Living BC (CLBC) to be confirmed.
Time: 7pm‐9pm Location: Community Living Victoria, 3861 Cedar Hill Cross Rd.
There are many people involved in assisting an individual who is transitioning from children’s services and into adulthood. Learn who does what and most importantly, the role of the youth. Representatives from the Ministry of Children and Family Development and Community Living BC will be attending to explain their role in transition.
Community Living Victoria with Second Wave are pleased to host this series of workshop over the next several months all geared towards transition planning. Come to one or come to all…you choose!
Please join us for a series of information sessions that will help youth plan for the transition into adulthood. We recommend that families and individuals begin transition planning in Grade 9. But it’s never too late! Regardless of where a youth is at you will find helpful and practical information in this series. These evenings are open to parents and the youth who are transitioning between the ages of 14 and 25 years old. Registration is not required and there is no fee to attend.
For more info on this event and other events in this series please view the PDF.