Planned Giving
Community Living Victorias work would not be possible without the generous support of hundreds of individuals and businesses through donations, in-kind gifts and volunteerism. The Community Living Victoria Foundation, an independent, registered charitable organization with its own board of directors, provides for funding opportunities through charitable donations, special events and planned gifts. Planned gifts include a variety of choices designed to serve our donors, the Foundation and its beneficiaries.
What is a Planned Gift?
It is the forethought given to gifts made that could benefit the Foundation as well as your own financial picture. Planned giving can be an important part of your overall financial and estate planning, as it provides valuable tax savings today or for your estate tomorrow.
What Kind of Gifts Are There?
A planned gift can take the form of cash (annually or as a one-time bequest), in-kind gifts (needed equipment, art, books, artifacts, etc.), securities (stocks, bonds and mutual funds), life insurance, other insurance products and real estate.
What are the Most Common Planned Giving Choices?
Five of the most common planned giving choices can help to guarantee personal income, preserve capital, and minimize income tax and estate tax payable by you as a donor.
Click here to download planned giving brochure