Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Inclusion BC Conference 2014

June 16, 2014

Another great experience for many representatives of CLV!  Several Advocates, family members, board members and staff enjoyed the 3 day conference that was held in Nanaimo from June 11-14th. There was plentiful sessions on planning, rights, innovative supports, family governed services, ethics, research, aging issues and so much more.  Amongst the informative sessions, there was lots of time for fun, connecting and meeting new friends.
conference 2014