Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Raise the Rates, Leave our Bus Pass Alone

March 2, 2016


Inclusion BC is disappointed by the provincial government’s lack of effective response to the many British Columbians who have opposed the recent decision to claw back the cost of transportation from a small $77 increase in disability benefit rates. Rallies are being held today at noon to protest the government’s decision in five different locations (Victoria, North Vancouver, Vancouver, Burnaby and New Westminster).

Inclusion BC and the over 12,000 people (and growing) who have signed the petition understand the facts. This increase in disability benefit rates is grossly deficient and does nothing but equalize the abject poverty that people living on disability benefits face every day.


On February 16th, the Government of British Columbia announced an increase of $77.00 for people in receipt of provincial persons with disabilities benefits. The first one in nine years. In the same breath, they also announced changes to the Annual Bus Pass program, cancelling the $45/year bus pass and replacing it with a new monthly fee of $52 plus a $45 ‘administration fee’.

Inclusion BC Executive Director Faith Bodnar says, “the changes do not provide more choice as the BC Government asserts. Through this offensive messaging, our government demonstrates they are out of touch with the experiences of people with disabilities. People with disabilities are living in extreme poverty and after a nine-year rate freeze need a benefit rate increase that will make a difference in their lives. BC needs a serious plan that addresses some of the lowest disability income rates in Canada.”


Despite the willingness of community and provincial organizations to consult with the government on disability policy, we are disappointed that this particular decision was made without any community consultation. Had government consulted, they would have learned that people with disabilities across this province are united in the need for a rate increase, not divided by the difference in transportation subsidies.

We call on the provincial government to listen to the people of BC and reverse their decision. Raise the rates and leave our bus pass alone.

For more information and the full news release please visit this Inclusion BC link.