Community Inclusion
We promote full citizenship for the people we support. We help individuals to participate in their community by assisting them to make friends, go where they want to go, and do what they like to do. Through our various Community Inclusion programs, we help over 70 individuals to access the community in ways that work best for them.
Many participants in our two larger programs, Community Access Program and the Satellite Program, are entering their retirement years. These individuals choose to participate in activities based on their interests and energy levels. In response to their changing needs and goals as they age, we have adopted flexible programming, which provides participants with the option of going out in the community or participating in quieter activities at the program sites. Examples of activities available at the sites included using computers and iPads, playing board games or bingo, yoga and gardening.
A number of individuals enjoy participating in a variety of recreational activities in their community. Swimming, bowling, golf, sailing and a myriad of music programs are just some of the activities individuals enjoy in the community.
Many of the people we support in our Community Inclusion programs take great pride in giving back to their community. We facilitate volunteer opportunities, such as delivering books for the visiting library service, helping with the James Bay School lunch program, sorting library books in elementary schools, sorting clothes in the local thrift stores and spending time with seniors in long-term care facilities. Volunteering gives many of our participants a great sense of purpose and belonging in addition to expanding their social network.
Regardless of the activities they engage in, the people attending our Community Inclusion programs enjoy spending time in a welcoming environment that fosters friendship, builds connections with community, and recognizes the strengths and talents of everyone.
Community Inclusion – Crystelle Jensen at