Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Community Living

For more than 60 years, Community Living Victoria has provided services and support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, at the same time promoting participation in the community.

Issues & Trends from the Executive Director

Our general meeting was held on May 17, 2017 where we presented our Community Recognition Awards.  These awards recognize individuals, educators and businesses that are making a difference in our community.  The stories that accompany the awards are always so moving.  A highlight this year, we recognized Irmgard Knudskov posthumously with the Legacy Award for her 38 years of service to CLV.

Following a strategic planning session in June with board members, staff, management, the people we serve and some family members, three key strategic directions were identified which will guide our work over the next three years. The areas are:  innovation, service excellence and sustainability.  The management team then spent time developing measurable goals in each area based on the input we received during the planning sessions.  The Board of Directors has approved this plan for 2017 -2020 and we are well underway.   This document is available here for viewing.

Our 62nd annual general meeting was held on September 20, 2017. The Board and membership approved the changes to the constitution and by-laws in a special resolution as CLV and other non-profit societies transition to the new BC Societies Act.   A highlight of this meeting is the annual employee recognition awards for years of service.  This year we recognized employees between 15 and 35 years of service.

On September 1st, PWD benefits went up by $100 per person, which brings the new monthly rate to $1,133.  While the increase was welcome, it does not provide for significant improvement to people who rely on provincial assistance.  Inclusion BC and others continue to advocate for further increases in PWD.

The demand for services from CLBC continues to be greater than available resources. Along with individuals being increasingly complex to support and many that are facing age related issues are putting pressure on service providers and funders across BC.

We were thrilled to take possession of our newest accessible home, Gorge View home on Wascana Street in Saanich.  On September 1st, we were pleased to welcome the four individuals who live at Burnside into their temporary new home while Burnside is undergoing a major renovation.  The Gorge View home will then provide an accessible home for the individuals currently living at McRae.

In November we held a pro-d day for our community inclusion program staff who spent the day learning about best practises in communication and launching our person-centred active supports project.

Also in November was our 11th concert for Hope Help Home featuring Citizen West.  The evening featured tenors Cody Karey, Marc Devigne and Brett Pruneau.  It was a memorable evening, with significant money raised for Community Living Victoria.  Thank you to our Foundation for all of your support.

On December 3rd, we co-sponsored UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities Film Festival along with screenings in 4 other cities in BC.  Inclusion BC Foundation and BC Self-Advocacy Foundation partnered with the National Film Board to present a retrospective of Canadian films.  Five short films were presented, followed by conversation exploring the representation of disability from the early public broadcast films of the 1960s to now. The festival also featured the world premiere of Inclusion BC Foundation’s own film Disability Pride 2017.

Our Reach for the Stars fundraising campaign and our 50/50 payroll lottery fund are well underway with distribution of over $8000 to the individuals and families we support so they can enjoy a wonderful holiday season.  The money raised through these campaigns are used throughout the year for activities and much needed items for the people we support.

Together with our board of directors, the foundation, our management team and all of our employees we continue to work hard to ensure that the people we support enjoy good lives.